on Michigan Avenue at Niketown
but these are for profit not for me.
Last year the Jordan Titaniums went for over $1000
& these are expected to do as well
So I figured I might as well wait
in the cold night instead of staying home
and watching tv!
Thank God for the sleet storm cuz Nike gave out
wristbands for the elite 23.
I'm #9
But I gotta go there everyday at 9:30
until tuesday
Geez, all them annoying people who ask us what we are
waiting out here for? We usually lie to them and
make up crazy shit like
Hannah Montana Nike
Ditka 09
But when we tell them shoes or Jordans
they don't care!
Sorry no picture right now.
I'm not too sure what color they look like.
But this is us

The Californians couldn't believe it but
we're Chicagoans so we accept it