Oh,Michigan Avenue!
How I frickin adore you & can't stand ya at the same time.
The richies call it Michigan Avennuuu
But I call it Mi$gan Ave <~~~ just "ave"
If you wanna cruise down Mi$hgan Ave you can watch Twista's Overnight Celebrity Video I've popped many tags on Mishgan Ave
& Snoop Dogg & R Kelly video Pass that Shit! I definitely have.
Well outta towners...
remember to walk faster before u get robbed by the bums!
No I take that back, the bums are cool.
The crackheads and the gold diggers is what you have to worry about!
Bee & Apes always used to say that if we can meet a rich old lady or old man on Mi$hgan Ave then we can milk them and secretly be together!!!
I've spent a couple nights on Michigan Ave's cold sidewalk, too.
For campouts at the "just alrite" Niketown.
Mishgan Ave is cool at 4 o clock in the morning
when u can skateboard down the whole strip
& The crazy people do come out at night!
But I feel bad cuz they are insane in the membrane..
no pun intended! seriously it's sad
So what are my favorite stores to jack, I mean, shop:
Oh the infamous North Face, the Polo Mansion, Watertower (a whole mall within itself), then H&M & Victoria's Secret is across the street,
Closeby "The Drake" (name drop) is Chanel & Gucci & Louie Vuitton
wait there's like 2 other big malls, you got the 900 shops & some Galeria (ohwee)
with the LEGO store & Sephora, u got Neiman Marcus, Tiffany & Cartier, who are telling me the time, GAP, there used to be a dope Timberland store.
oh yeah they just put up a Forever 21 but I think that one is wack.
There is also a survey spot where I get free money! Seriously!
Also, Coach & La Perla & Garetts Ghetto Popcron, if you love cheese popcorn we got the best!I forget about the Apple Store where I go on the internet for hours!
Oh yeah, people on Mishgan Ave are on their grind.
Ever heard of silver boy, and bucket boys? Only in Chicago...
The difference between State Street & Mi$hgan Ave is that Mi$hgan Ave
is more high class and State Street is bougee & more hippie.
And more ghetto people who think they faboulous going to school
downtown stenching it with smoking the smelliest cigarettes ever.
I do absolutely loooove the flowers & shrubs Mayor Daley likes to spend all our tax money for. I steal them and plant them in my garden. Whatta Mexican! Just kidding.
Also on Michgan Ave is Millenium Park!
Where that stupid silver bean is.
$36 Million Dollars on a stupid silver bean is pretty smart...right Daley?
Mayor Daley is our mayor and he's a mobster!
But I do like this about Millenium Park
A Glass TV fountain with people's faces. I want my face on there.
& They move & wink!
That's Chicago for ya people! Come visit me! I own the airport!