Oh,Michigan Avenue!
How I frickin adore you & can't stand ya at the same time.
The richies call it Michigan Avennuuu
But I call it Mi$gan Ave <~~~ just "ave"
If you wanna cruise down Mi$hgan Ave you can watch Twista's Overnight Celebrity Video I've popped many tags on Mishgan Ave
& Snoop Dogg & R Kelly video Pass that Shit! I definitely have.
Well outta towners...
remember to walk faster before u get robbed by the bums!
No I take that back, the bums are cool.
The crackheads and the gold diggers is what you have to worry about!
Bee & Apes always used to say that if we can meet a rich old lady or old man on Mi$hgan Ave then we can milk them and secretly be together!!!
I've spent a couple nights on Michigan Ave's cold sidewalk, too.
For campouts at the "just alrite" Niketown.
Mishgan Ave is cool at 4 o clock in the morning
when u can skateboard down the whole strip
& The crazy people do come out at night!
But I feel bad cuz they
are insane in the membrane..
no pun intended! seriously it's sad
So what are my favorite stores to jack, I mean, shop:
Oh the infamous North Face, the Polo Mansion, Watertower (a whole mall within itself), then H&M & Victoria's Secret is across the street,
Closeby "The Drake" (name drop) is Chanel & Gucci & Louie Vuitton
wait there's like 2 other big malls, you got the 900 shops & some Galeria (ohwee)
with the LEGO store & Sephora, u got Neiman Marcus, Tiffany & Cartier, who are telling me the time, GAP, there used to be a dope Timberland store.
oh yeah they just put up a Forever 21 but I think that one is wack.
There is also a survey spot where I get free money! Seriously!
Also, Coach & La Perla & Garetts Ghetto Popcron, if you love cheese popcorn we got the best!I forget about the Apple Store where I go on the internet for hours!
Oh yeah, people on Mishgan Ave are on their grind.
Ever heard of silver boy, and bucket boys? Only in Chicago...

That's actually right in front of Niketown. This Silver dude is a hater! He turned his hip hop off cuz a bum was jammin'
The difference between State Street & Mi$hgan Ave is that Mi$hgan Ave
is more high class and State Street is
bougee & more hippie.
And more ghetto people who think they faboulous going to school
downtown stenching it with smoking the smelliest cigarettes ever.
I do absolutely loooove the flowers & shrubs Mayor Daley likes to spend all our tax money for. I steal them and plant them in my garden. Whatta Mexican! Just kidding.

Also on Michgan Ave is Millenium Park!
Where that stupid silver bean is.
$36 Million Dollars on a stupid silver bean is pretty smart...right Daley?
Mayor Daley is our mayor and he's a mobster!
But I do like this about Millenium Park

A Glass TV fountain with people's faces. I want my face on there.
& They move & wink!
That's Chicago for ya people! Come visit me! I own the airport!